Now I know religion is sort of crazy, but what does it really matter if 2 people find each other.
Now, I think most of the static in this is that most of the people that oppose these marriages, do so for religious purposes, but I also can't really help but think that the US Federal government will loose billions of dollars just in allowing these marriages and couples to file their taxes like a married couple so as they can get tax breaks like everyone else.
When big money like this is concerned, it's hard to to really think that this sort of corruption could take place on such a high level perhaps.
Just think if they cured cancer, how many people would be unemployed!
More than 40 years after the war on cancer was declared, we have spent billions fighting the good fight. The National Cancer Institute has spent some $900 billion on research and treatment during that time. Some 260 nonprofit organizations in the United States have dedicated themselves to cancer — more than the number established for heart disease, AIDS, Alzheimer’s disease, and stroke combined. Together, these 260 organizations have budgets that top $2.2 billion per year"
Look at today's military, regardless of what country your in, there is BIG MONEY in War!! Let's say we stopped all the wars tomorrow. Look at how many people would be out of work and their families hungry.
Now us here at the United States, spend more money on defense, then ALL the other countries combined! (No Kidding!)
Same as Gasoline, electric power or some other form of energy will loose jobs on a global basis.
Check this article out. . . . http://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.cfm?id=12451
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