“You should not honor men more than truth.” - Plato
"The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and
we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret
societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings." -John F.
Well I was thinking of joining the Free Masons at one time- Both my Grandfather & Great Grandfather, were members. They would have actually been proud if I was a part of it- Sounds very intriguing, mystical, enchanting. :) Anyhow hope you watch the video! Pretty interesting & originally aired on the History Channel-
One thing about "Secret Governments" are, if the real disaster ever hit's the fan, the only thing a secret government is going to be able to do is save itself while hiding. Money, Power in today's civilization will be totally worthless.
Once chaos hit's regardless, money isn't going to be worth anything. What will be valuable is: A handful of bullets, a can of peaches, cigarettes, Fuel, Twinkies (lol), Did I say Bullets?

I guess this is one secret society that had people who could really keep a secret. :)
Some say this is the secret government but perhaps another conspiracy theory.
The reason mainly Im not sure if I'd fit in is I believe alot of the ideas of the past should possibly remain in the past.
Now, when my Grandfather died, all the pallbearers were actually Freemasons.
Hope all is well with everyone :)