With all the bad always shown of Police Officers, most times all the good they do goes totally unnoticed when at most times people join the dept. just to help others. I thought this was an amazing video of what it really means "To Protect & to Serve".
Now like everything else in life, there are both "Good" & "Bad". The problem with our society is that only the Bad stuff usually makes the news!
Being a cop is pretty much an ungrateful job! It seems everyone hates cops, until they need help!
Now my brothers are cops. I noticed that they look at the world differently then I do! They mostly see the worst of humanity & they expect everything & everyone to be that way without giving anyone the benefit of doubt.
I guess when you see the horrible things we do as humans, you loose your faith in humans pretty much.
We'll I'm not a big fan of cops as far as myself goes because mostly for the fact that I have never needed their help but. . . I have met some wonderful cops that really enjoy their job & helping others.

My friend Gary who works for Aurora Police dept. is a wonderful guy all the way around. Surprisingly he seems to go out of his way just to help others whether he's off duty or not!
I noticed he takes some of his work home with him by doing good deeds for people he meets on his job- I've seen him buy groceries for families out of his own pocket, help with Christmas for children he meets that have no Christmas. He's a fine & wonderful cop & even after 25 years on Aurora Police force, I'm proud to say I am friends with such a wonderful person.
As long as we have people in various jobs, like with everything else, there is always goping to be both Good Cops, & Bad Cops as with everything else in life! KUDOS to the Good Cops!
Funny Stuff! Right before I posted this, an Aurora Police officer shows up at my door looking for some girl! Heh, never heard or seen anyone by that name (I think he ment "Next Door".)
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