I've been on the Internet since before it was even public. I have friends from all over the planet! China, Russia, Africa, Israel, Japan, The UK, in short. . . just about every nation you can think of!
I actually don't really see these countries as enemies just because my government tells me too.
Why is China our enemy? They have been our allies in both WWI & WWII. When did they start being the enemy of our country? Why is Russia any different- They were our Allies in WWII. Why do we love Japan although they attacked us & tried to wipe us out? You think in 70 years it was that long ago, that they now have our backs like best friends?
Now. . . I've had online friends from Russia & China for over 20 years now! They have taught me so much information on programming, PC Security, and have never asked me for anything in return. . . but my friendship.
Now writing this, I probably made the list (The US says their not spying on me, but we know the truth. . . )
Our constitution is totally based on FREE Speech, yet you have to watch what you say, otherwise you could get on their so called Non-Existing List of trouble makers.
Now, Last year China designated they were in control of the Gulf of Adin. President Obama ordered a fleet and also a B1 Bomber to fly over this area, and close to China's shores. What for? Like I said, we should be with them, not against them.
What do we care what happens to Japan? They tried to kill us, China has always been our Allies.
I like how were supposed to be the good guys we we use torture to get information. (Guantamino Bay is a prime example).
Why are we trying to shove our ideas of Democracy down everyones throat? Were supposed to be the Good Guys, what ever happened to Freedom & the right to live without someone telling you how?
I think we should stop helping any other countries, and start doing, & caring about our own people. (Ya it took 5 days to get water to the Super Dome in New Orleans so the government has your back. Couldn't they drop some water by helicopter?)
I love my country but it sure seems like it's run without caring what the people say or what's right.
God Bless America, & the rest to the Planet too!